Here is a simple, bright idea to use when teaching math that works for every grade.
Many kiddos struggle with lining up numbers in their math problems. They might struggle with visually tracking numbers, transferring from one place to another, or with spacing due to fine motor challenges. The tip I have is to use grid (or graph) paper for the kids to write their problems on.
I tell them that the rule is that only one number can go in each box. If I don’t have any grid paper with me, I just turn their notebooks sideways and they can write their problems in the columns.
It doesn’t always work quite as well as the grid paper, but it definitely helps. Have you ever tried using grid paper for math problems? I’d love to hear about it!
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I love using graph paper for math! It helps the little ones be more organized with their numbers. Thanks for the bright idea!
Sally from Elementary Matters