

Jun 24, 2011

Well, my classroom has been entirely boxed up (62 + boxes) and is now waiting to be moved to a different elementary building in my district.  My district is switching from K-3 buildings with one building for 4-5 to all elementary buildings being K-5.  I love the idea of neighborhood schools.  And the best part?  I get to begin at a new building along with my Kindergartener! 

Of course, that can’t be the only change I am anticipating.  I am also expecting my second little bundle of joy (he he…sorry about the pun!).  This little one should arrive at the beginning of September.  Since school in my district starts in late August, I have great concerns about having my room ready and some sort of sub plans ready to go before this babe shows up! 

Right now I am working on brainstorming ideas for next year.  Stay tuned for some freebies for you to download and use!

Joy : )

2 thoughts on “Change”
  1. So glad to hear how many boxes you have! I have less… but my back room is overflowing in kindergarten boxes! My husband was like wow! Moving districts this year! It is a lot of work! Are you going into a new building too? Or just restructuring?

    Empowering Kinders and Other Kids Too

  2. I'm heading to a new building this year. I was just there this morning to see my "room" (it's actually a partitioned part of the library). Whew! I don't even know where to start! I did have a couple of car loads that had to come home and have summer vacation in my laundry room. 🙂

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