Reading Fluency and Comprehension Progress
I am so crazy proud of my students! They have made an enormous amount of progress this year. After having a bad day yesterday, I needed to see these results. …
I am so crazy proud of my students! They have made an enormous amount of progress this year. After having a bad day yesterday, I needed to see these results. …
Have you ever read a book that redefined how you taught? A few years ago I read “The Book Whisperer” by Donalyn Miller and have wanted to put some of…
I just finished reading the Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller. Holy cow. It was an easy read, but very powerful. I feel like I have been doing the exact opposite…
I have my students write in journals several times a week. I always had a sloppy mess with a stack of journals sitting wherever I could find room. But, no…
It took me awhile to come up with a nice way of storing the sight word flashcards (you can print them off in this FREE eBook!). In the end, I decided…
Welcome! It has been awhile since I’ve had time to post (a new baby, you know). 🙂 This year I have been reintroducing myself to teaching reading and language arts. …